
Book launch event for Anu Partanen's The Nordic Theory of Everything • New America Foundation, New York City
Anu Partanen is an experienced keynote speaker, panelist, and event moderator, with wide-ranging expertise on Nordic and American ways of life, social policies, and related topics. Among various upcoming and recent events, detailed below, in 2020 Anu also delivered the Leland Stowe Memorial Journalism Lecture at the University of Michigan:
The Leland Stowe Memorial Lecture celebrates the best in journalism, broadly understood. Stowe was a Pulitzer Prize winner in 1930 and one of the early American journalists to raise concerns about Hitler’s rise to power. During World War II, he was a war correspondent. He was a Professor of Journalism at the University of Michigan 1956–1969 and died in 1994.
Event Videos
Watch "The Nordic Theory of Everything" book launch event and panel discussion at the New America Foundation in New York City
Watch Anu Partanen discuss "The Nordic Theory of Everything" at Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon
Event Photos

The Future of the Welfare State with Owen Jones, Anu Partanen, and Ann Selin; SAK, Helsinki

Book launch event, New America Foundation, New York City

Book launch event, New America Foundation, New York City

Finnish edition launch event, Helsinki

Politics & Prose, Washington D.C.

Politics & Prose, Washington D.C.

Elliot Bay Book Company, Seattle, WA
Recent Events
June 10-14, 2024
Sustainability Science Days & Sustainability Research + Innovation Congress, Helsinki, Finland
Anu served as plenary session moderator
June 4, 2024
International Social Wellbeing Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Keynote Speech: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
April 6, 2023 - online
Augustana College
Guest Lecture: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
November 23, 2022 - online
University of Washington, Department of Scandinavia Studies
Guest Lecture: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
October 7, 2021 – online
University of Toronto, Canada
Guest lecture : "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
September 30, 2021 – online
U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Institute
Guest lecture for future U.S. diplomats: "Nordic Societies"
June 4, 2021 – online
Location: University of Turku, Finland
Keynote speech: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
March 23, 2021 – online
New York University Stern School of Business, International Business
Guest lecture: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
June 15, 2020 – online
University of Washington, Department of Scandinavia Studies
Book talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
February 3, 2020 – Ann Arbor, Michigan
Leland Stowe Memorial Lecture
University of Michigan, LSA Honors Program
Location: Rackham Amphitheater
915 E. Washington St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
The Leland Stowe Memorial Lecture celebrates the best in journalism, broadly understood. Stowe was a Pulitzer Prize winner in 1930 and one of the early American journalists to raise concerns about Hitler’s rise to power. During World War II, he was a war correspondent. He was a Professor of Journalism at the University of Michigan 1956–1969 and died in 1994.
November 25, 2019 (Mon) – Berkeley, California
Berkeley Haas Center For Responsible Business & Nordic Council of Ministers
Talk & discussion: "Nordic Parental Leaves: Inspiration for California?"
Location: Haas School of Business, Spieker Forum (6th Floor), Chou Hall, UC Berkeley
2220 Piedmont Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94720
June 17–19, 2019 – Espoo, Finland
EHMA Health Management 2.0 Conference
March 10, 2019 (Sun), 5:30 p.m. – Austin, Texas
Cities, Government & Politics Track
Focus 15 Session: “The Nordic Theory of Everything”
Location: Hilton Austin Downtown, Room 400–402, 500 E 4th St.
December 12, 2018 (Thu), 1 p.m. – Helsinki
The University of Helsinki ThinkFest: The Future of Finland’s Higher Education
Location: Think Corner
Anu hosted a panel discussion on the opportunities and challenges facing Finland’s universities with former President of Finland Tarja Halonen, University of Helsinki rector Jari Niemelä, and president of Akava Students, Henna Pursiainen
November 28, 2018 (Wed), 1 p.m. – Helsinki
Design Forum Talk: Design, Value, and Meaning
Location: Valkoinen sali
Talk: “In Search of a Better Life”
November 15, 2018 (Thu), 5 p.m. – Helsinki
Smart as Hel: The World Needs a Lesson
Location: Think Corner
Anu hosted a panel discussion on Finland’s contributions to solving the global education crisis with UNESCO professors Arto Kallioniemi and Hannele Niemi from the University of Helsinki, Member of the Parliament and founder of Hei Schools Pilvi Torsti and Chief Specialist in Education Export Marianne Huusko from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
October 20, 2018 (Sat), 9 a.m. – Helsinki
Global Shapers Nordic Summit: Future of the Nordic Region
Location: Hanaholmen
Panel discussion on the Nordic social model with Paula Laine of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and Kamilla Sultanova of Global Dignity Finland
October 9, 2018 (Tue), 1 p.m. – Helsinki
Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health SOSTE Conference
Keynote: “Freedom, future, and the welfare state”
October 6, 2018 (Sat), 9 a.m. – Helsinki
Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK: Future Today Event
Location: Paasitorni
Panel discussion on the future of the welfare state with the British journalist and book author Owen Jones and Service Union United PAM president Ann Selin
January 16, 2018 (Tue) 7 p.m. – New York City
They Know Not What They Do—book launch and discussion with author Jussi Valtonen
Discussion with the Finnish author Jussi Valtonen and translator Kristian London
January 10, 2018 (Wed), 7 p.m. – Seattle, WA
Kane Hall, University of Washington, 4069 Spokane Ln (map)
Talk: The Nordic Theory of Everything
November 5, 2017 (Sun), 2 p.m. – Chicago, IL
Chicago Estonian House, 14700 Estonian Ln, Riverwoods (map)
Talk: The Nordic Theory of Everything
November 2, 2017 (Thu), 9 a.m. – New York City
IAC Building, 555 W 18th St (map)
Discussion: The Well-Lived Life
October 27, 2017 (Fri), 6 p.m. – Montpelier, VT
Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 130 Main St. (map)
October 27, 2017 (Fri), 10:15 a.m. – Montpelier, VT
The Kellogg-Hubbard Library, 135 Main St. (map)
A conversation with VTDigger Senior Editor Mark Johnson: Comparing American and Nordic Societies – from Health Care to Childcare
October 26, 2017 (Thu), 7 p.m. – Burlington, VT
University of Vermont Davis Center, 590 Main St. (map)
Talk: The Nordic Theory of Everything & panel discussion with Vermont legislators
July 13, 2017 (Thu), 1:15 p.m. – New York City
United Nations Headquarters, Conference Building, First Avenue & 45th Street, New York
June 5, 2017 (Mon), 2:30 p.m. – Bohemia, NY
Connetquot Public Library
760 Ocean Avenue (map)
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
May 20, 2017 (Sat), 11:30 a.m. – Washington, DC
Embassy of Finland
3301 Massachusetts Ave NW (map)
The Iconic and the Everyday: Creative Finland in America
Talk: The Nordic Theory of Everything
March 11, 2017 (Sat), 1:15 p.m. – London, UK
Southbank Centre
Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London (map)
Gender Equality in the Nordics
March 11, 2017 (Sat), 11:30 a.m. – London, UK
Southbank Centre
Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London (map)
March 8, 2017 (Wed), 6:30 p.m. – London, UK
Southbank Centre
Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London (map)
January 18, 2017 (Wed), 7:00 p.m. – Helsinki
Location: Savoy-teatteri, Kasarminkatu 46-48 (map)
Kirja-Suomi 2017: Kirja vieköön!
January 14, 2017 (Sat), 4 p.m. – London, UK
Southbank Centre
Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London (map)
Panel Discussion: "How Do You Say 'Gender Equality' in Faroese?"
November 17, 2016 (Thu), 9:45 a.m. – Helsinki
Creating International Business Concepts Conference
Finlandia Hall (map)
Talk: "How Nordic Strengths Can Lead to International Success"
October 24, 2016 (Mon), 1:50 p.m. – New York City
St. John's University
8000 Utopia Pkwy, Queens (map)
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
October 23, 2016 (Sun), 3:00 p.m. – Newton, MA
Scandinavian Cultural Center
206 Waltham St (map)
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
October 7, 2016 (Fri), 5:30 p.m. – Minneapolis, MN
Danish American Center
3030 West River Parkway South (map)
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
October 7, 2016 (Fri), 2:30 p.m. – Minneapolis, MN
University of Minnesota, Folwell Hall, 9 Pleasant St. SE (map)
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
October 6, 2016 (Thu), 7:00 p.m. – St. Paul, MN
SubText Books, 6 West Fifth Street (map)
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
September 29, 2016, 12:00 p.m. – New York City
The Future of Learning and EdTech
173 Varick Street (map)
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
September 19, 2016, 12:30 p.m. – New York City
Centre for Social Innovation
601 W 26th Street (map)
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
August 30, 2016 – Bar Harbor, ME
Jesup Memorial Library, in co-operation with Sherman's Books
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
August 19, 2016 – Belfast, ME
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
August 16, 2016 – Damariscotta, ME
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
August 15, 2016 – Portland, ME
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
August 8, 2016 – New York City
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
August 4, 2016 – Boston, MA
Harvard Book Store
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
July 19, 2016 – Seattle, WA
The Elliott Bay Book Company
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
July 18, 2016 – Portland, OR
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
July 16, 2016 – Berkeley, CA
Books Inc.
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
July 15, 2016 – San Francisco, CA
Book Passage, Corte Madera, Marin County
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
July 11, 2016 – Los Angeles, CA
Vroman's Bookstore, Pasadena
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
July 9, 2016 – Washington, DC
Politics & Prose
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
June 30, 2016 – New York City
New America Foundation
June 28, 2016 – New York City
Scandinavia House
Talk: "The Nordic Theory of Everything"
June 6, 2016 – Tampere, Finland
Institutions in Context Workshop: The Role of Money in Politics
North American Studies Program, University of Tampere
Presentation: "Welfare or Wellbeing State? Public Perceptions of Government, Taxes, Money and Whom It All Serves"
April 17, 2015 – Boston
Harvard Medical School, Center for Bioethics
Panel discussion: "Social Policies & Health Care: Lessons from the Nordic Welfare Model"
October 20, 2014 – New York City
Moderating a panel discussion with the American author Kathryn Davis and Finnish author Philip Teir
September 9, 2014 – New York City
Event celebrating Finland’s Guest of Honor role at the Frankfurt Book Fair
Talk: "Finnish Literature Now"
June 17, 2013 – Philadelphia
City Council Public Hearing on Best Practices in Education
Talk: "Finland's Education System"
April 7, 2013 – Boston
The Power of Narrative Conference at Boston University
Moderating a panel discussion: “How to Sell Stories in Multiple Media: Freelance 101” with Charles Homans, executive editor of The Atavist, and Jina Moore, freelance journalist
March 25, 2013 – Birmingham, Alabama
Alabama Education Association Professional Development Conference
Talk: “Finland’s Education Success Story”
October 4-5, 2012 — Shaker Heights, Ohio
Hathaway Brown Education Innovation Summit
Talk: “Finland’s Education Success Story”
June 28, 2012 — Atlanta
Georgia Forward Education Summit
Keynote speech: “Finland’s Education Success Story”
April 30, 2012 — Washington D.C.
Parenting Magazine Mom Congress
Panel discussion: “International Approaches to Education”